Generator Choice

Choosing the correct generator will take some careful consideration.


Here are a few pointers that you may find useful, and whe suggest that you read and consider them before making a choice.




Why do you need a generator?


For loadshedding purposes you need a reletavily small to medium sized generator that will give you the neccesary power to run the bare necesaties like lights, the television, decoder, geiser and fridge or freezer.


Things to remember are:

Electric motors tend to draw up to four times their normal running load when starting up.

A geiser takes about 90 minutes to heat water, and it retains it's heat for a long time. You can increase it's efficiency by insulating it with a fibre glass blanket.

Cooking takes a lot of electricity, it is better to use gas.


Back Up Power:

For back up power you need a much larger unit which can take over complete electricity supply. These units cost a lot more and are normally not portable. The unit is connected to your manis supply through an AMF (Automatic Mains Failure) Panel and is electrically started. The installation should be done by a qualified electrician.



When buying a generator for construction purposes, portability plays a role in the choice you make. Do you need to use a welder?

What is the right size for you?

Simple Wattage Calculation:

There are a number of ways to calculate your individual requirements depending on your needs:



Identify the appliances that you would need during a power failure. Check the power ratings of the appliances. Add the ratings together keeping in mind that electric motors draw more power whe starting up. The sum total will be your guide to right size of generator you need to buy.


Back Up Power:

In the event of purchasing a back-up generator it is advisible to have your electricity consumption evaluated by a qualified electrician, who will advise you on the size of generator you need to purchase.



Calculate the maximum power rating for the tools that will be used together at any one time. This will guide you in your selection.